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Improve the Appearance of a Double Chin at the Toronto Practice of Dr. Nowell Solish
Frown lines and some wrinkles are caused by the constant action of muscles underneath the skin. In particular a furrow in the area between our eyebrows may appear and persist because of the repeated, often unconscious action of our muscles. wrinkle reduction therapy can soften these and restore a youthful appearance.
Stubborn pockets of fat are an issue that most of us have to contend with. No matter how much we diet or exercise, there are some deposits that just do not respond. For individuals with excessive chin fat or a double chin (also known as submental fullness), such deposits close to the face can be a source of embarrassment or self-consciousness. But submental fat can be markedly reduced with Belkyra® from Toronto-based dermatologist Dr. Nowell Solish.
To speak with Toronto Dermatologist Dr. Nowell Solish about how he can help you achieve your goals, Request a consultation, or call our office at 416 964 8888.
Why is Submental Fullness So Difficult to Get Rid of?
It is important to understand the nature of submental fullness in order to comprehend how exactly Belkyra® works.
The number of fat cells in the human body tends to stay constant after experiencing puberty, and the size of these fat cells can fluctuate as you lose or gain weight. While improving diet and exercise habits can lead to weight loss, these measures do so by shrinking fat cells – not eliminating them. This is why even the fittest and most disciplined of individuals can still have localized pockets of excess fat.
The size and placement of these pockets can vary based on other factors besides diet and exercise habits, such as genetics and age. Patients of any age or gender can develop a persistent double chin.
The only way to get rid of fat cells is to physically remove or destroy them – and this is exactly what Belkyra® does.
Dr. Nowell Solish
Dr. Solish is a renowned specialist in the field of cosmetic dermatology and dermatologic surgery. He was one of Canada's first cosmetic dermatologists to use injectable BOTOX. Dr. Solish is the Director of Dermatologic Surgery at the University of Toronto. He is also published in peer-reviewed journals, and lectures regularly on dermatologic surgery techniques worldwide.

What is Belkyra®?
Belkyra® is an injectable substance manufactured by Allergan (the makers of BOTOX® Cosmetic) and is the first injectable treatment that has been approved by the FDA and Health Canada to treat submental fullness.
While many patients would love the opportunity to reduce the fat under their chin, relatively few of them are willing to undergo surgery to do it. Belkyra® is particularly well-suited to such patients, as it is a non-surgical method that can achieve the goals they are hoping to achieve.
The active ingredient in Belkyra® is a manufactured form of deoxycholic acid that is near-identical to the acid produced in the human body. Naturally occurring deoxycholic acid helps to break down dietary fat in the body, so that it may be flushed out over time.
By precisely injecting this acid into the chin, the diet and exercise-resistant fat cells there will start to rupture as their cellular membranes are destroyed (cytolysis). This rupture releases the contents of the cells, and they can be broken down and flushed out of the body through its natural processes.
Each patient’s natural bodily processes are different, so the number of treatment sessions required and the time taken to show results will also vary. Many patients experience visible results within a few months after receiving just two sessions, while some may need up to six sessions to see results (no patient may receive more than six treatments with Belkyra®).
For some patients, Dr. Solish may recommend complementing Belkyra® results with skin tightening treatments such as Thermage® or EXILIS ELITE. He may also suggest an alternative fat reduction method such as CoolSculpting®, depending on individual patient needs.
Photo Gallery
As a leading dermatologist, both in medical as well as cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Solish's opinion is sought after by a wide range of news organizations and publications. The Photo Gallery contains a short sample of some before and after results performed by Dr. Solish as an expert in his filed.
*Individual Results May Vary